Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Google Alert - trump

As-it-happens update November 15, 2018
Trump Wants to Fire His Chief of Staff and Homeland Security Secretary
Watch The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon highlight 'Trump Wants to Fire His Chief of Staff and Homeland Security Secretary' on
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Trump claims you need an ID to buy cereal and that people vote twice by putting on a different hat
"The Republicans don't win and that's because of potentially illegal votes," Trump complained. "When people get in line that have absolutely no right ...
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Congress is severely lacking Republican women, and Trump is to blame
Republicans didn't learn much. Their articulation issues just got much worse, and there's a name for the problem: Donald Trump. In addition to his ...
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'decencia' de Trump
El Gobierno francés ha reclamado "un mínimo de decencia" al presidente de EE.UU. tras sus críticas a la propuesta de Macron de crear un ejército ...
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Must Know Intel! Dems Planning Martial Law To Remove Trump In The Near Future, Plus How To ...
The Democrats, aligned with the global elite, are set to make a major move against President Trump unless patriots around the country stand up and ...
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Andrew Gillum Says Trump Is Trying To Undermine Democracy
Florida's Democratic gubernatorial candidate says claims of electoral fraud without evidence by President Donald Trump and Florida Gov. Rick Scott ...
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11 novembre : l'autre provocation contre Trump dont les médias ne parlent pas
Après l'élection de Donald Trump, elle a notamment chanté lors de la marche contre son investiture en janvier, interprétant la chanson "A change is ...
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Melania Trump kræver national sikkerhedsrådgivers afgang
USA's førstedame, Melania Trump, pressede tirsdag offentligt på for en fyring af Mira Ricardel, der er stedfortrædende national sikkerhedsrådgiver i ...
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